Why Us

We help you streamline your accounting so that you can have the freedom to spend time on what you value most.


    No hidden fees. We design a monthly package just for you.


    Your accounting team and CPA are there whenever you need it.


    Eliminate redundant and repetitive tasks.


    You’ll never miss a tax deduction or tax credit.


    We audit proof your records, so you never lose an audit.


    Knowing you are in good hands.

You didn’t get into business to become an accountant.

Build a reward winning partnership with Argento CPA that grants you access to:

  • A trusted advisor
  • Expert advice that responds quickly to your questions
  • Accountants that understand your business in-and-out
  • Provides you a profitable return on your investment
  • Clear communication as a non-accountant

7 most common mistakes business owners make

  1. They don’t plan
  2. Don’t know (or understand) their numbers
  3. Think they can play every role and don’t have the right people in the right seats
  4. Run out of cash
  5. Lack of systems or failure to upgrade as they grow
  6. Not knowing their customers, what they want and what they value – trying to be all things to all people
  7. Ignore culture, core values, and brand

How Argento CPA will help

  1. Explain your key numbers to success
  2. Visually explain what small changes to key drivers will do to your profit and cash
  3. Develop action plans to bridge the gap
  4. Suggest what apps may be relevant to your plans
  5. Hold you accountable
  6. Provide insights and inspiration
  7. Help you scale and grow your business
  8. Give you the confidence to act